American Civil War

shermans march to the sea

Experience the American Civil War like never before with Military Missives’ American Civil War campaign option. This collection of battle maps and personal correspondences takes you on a journey through one of the most significant events in American history.

Follow General William Tecumseh Sherman and the Union army as they march through the Confederate states, experiencing the strategy and tactics that led to the fall of the Confederate army. Our correspondences will give you a unique and intimate look at the motivations, fears, and triumphs of the key players on both sides of the conflict, including Sherman, General Robert E. Lee, and President Abraham Lincoln.

The highlight of this campaign is Sherman’s March to the Sea, where the Union army marched from the city of Atlanta to the port of Savannah, systematically destroying Confederate infrastructure and supplies along the way. This campaign is perfect for history enthusiasts, military buffs, and anyone interested in the American Civil War and its impact on the United States. With Military Missives, you’ll get a detailed and immersive look at one of the most fascinating and pivotal moments in American history. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to journey back in time and witness Sherman’s march to the sea and the fall of the Confederacy before your eyes.

three months

Three historical maps and six letters


six months

Six historical maps and twelve letters


twelve months

Twelve historical maps and twenty four letters

