Napoleon’s End

experience the Napoleonic Wars

Step into the boots of Napoleon Bonaparte and his armies with Military Missives’ Napoleonic campaign option. This collection of battle maps and personal correspondences takes you on a journey through some of the most iconic battles of the Napoleonic Wars.

With this campaign you will witness Napoleon’s defeats and downfall as the coalition of European powers slowly chip away at his empire.

Our correspondences will give you a unique and intimate look at the motivations, fears, and triumphs of the key players on both sides of the conflict, including Napoleon himself. You will learn about the strategy, tactics and the political and economic factors that led to the fall of Napoleon’s empire and the formation of the Congress of Vienna.

The campaign concludes with the Battle of Waterloo, where the allied forces led by the Duke of Wellington and Gebhard von Blücher, defeated Napoleon and his army, thus ending the Napoleonic wars and ensuring the stability of Europe. This campaign is perfect for history enthusiasts, military buffs, and anyone interested in the Napoleonic era and its impact on the world. With Military Missives, you’ll get a detailed and immersive look at one of the most fascinating and pivotal moments in world history. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to journey back in time and witness the Napoleonic wars come to life before your eyes.

three months

Three historical maps and six letters


six months

Six historical maps and twelve letters


twelve months

Twelve historical maps and twenty four letters

